If this is a warranty request, your card will only be charged if your equipment does not fall under the warranty guidelines, you will be responsible for the minimum service call charge.
Your card will be charged for the minimum charge immediately upon DISPATCH of our technician.
Parts & Additional Labor may be needed for repairs for additional costs & fees.
All parts & materials MUST be supplied by Malachy Parts & Service.
Personal Guarantee to MALACHY Service (Brother Sister Duo/Richard Farrell Inc): The undersigned, jointly, severally, and personally, do hereby agree to pay for all goods sold and services provided to applicant, and in the event of default, by applicant, MALACHY shall be entitled to look to us for payment without prior demand or notice and without first having attempted to collect from applicant. In the event MALACHY engages the services of an attorney to collect any sum of money due hereunder, or to enforce or defend MALACHY’S rights hereunder, MALACHY shall be entitled to collect reasonable attorney’s fees from the undersigned. The liability of the undersigned shall not be affected by any extensions or indulgences granted to the applicant, or by releasing or surrendering any security given by the applicant. The undersigned agrees to give you written notice by certified mail in the event of any change in the ownership of applicant’s business or the form of applicant’s business organization. The purpose of this application is to collect information from applicants only and not an offer of credit. The applicant agrees to pay for all goods and services rendered at the time of delivery by method of cash or credit card. All court matters are to be handled in the County of Hudson, New Jersey.
By signature on this form, you are authorizing MALACHY to consider this credit card as “on file” and to be charged to pay past due invoices. Any invoice from MALACHY products and/or services that has become past due will be paid by use of this credit card. This authorization includes all charges shown on each invoice(s) which are past due. This is a “payment guarantee only” form, which means that the charges will be applied to the credit card only when an invoice(s) payment becomes delinquent. You will be notified by telephone and/or email within one day of the charge made pursuant to this authorization. MALACHY is not obligated in any way to extend further terms. PLEASE COMPLETE ALL INFORMATION AND EMAIL BACK TO ServiceMasters@MalachyCares.com